lost blog

A New Year Begins

Now that 2024 is over and a new year begins, we are glad to be able to say that while we have been quiet things have not stopped. In the coming months we will be more focused than ever with a focus primarily on the relaunch of JamesC as a creative consultant and various in house projects moving forward coupled with work with a select number of private clients.

The final few months of 2024 were not ideal in many respects with sudden and drastic changes within the personal we had to slow down some of the more public work that we do but blogging was always going to be a big part of our focus coming into 2025 and it is with that in mind we want to preview what is coming up:

As JamesC makeup artist I have been working quietly on redesigning and redefining my work and while that has meant issues taking on new projects it has not stopped me working on the revamp with a new, fresh site and set of goals in play for the new year. I will be bringing back the behind the brush blog as part of the new site which will focus on consulting and gradually into my own working space/lab that I will be using to give a refined and more focused area that will be a photo/video space and lab for work that will come under The Lost Project Media banner.

Naturally we will continue to support indie talent and offer our services as a PR blog for actors, film and TV projects, etc so that they can promote their projects and welcome people reaching out to talk via email.

Stay tuned to the blog for further updates and news!

Introducing The Livingstone Players

Founded in the 1960s, Livingstone Players is a staple of the festive season with their local panto held in the Stevenston Parish Church hall (formerly Livingstone Church) where they open up the doors to those with aspirations to being on stage or just the desire to be part of the community.

This year will see the group preform the classic Sleeping beauty for 6 shows including a matinee, such is the demand for their talents!

With the desire to create not just a fun family show but something to help creative talents and burgeoning stars, Livingstone Players is a welcome addition to any calendar and will be a roaring success with a stellar cast of characters and backstage talent supporting the show.

To learn more about the show or to learn about Livingstone Players see:

Sleeping Beauty Tickets.

Livingstone Players website.

Livingstone Players Facebook.

Source: https://livingstoneplayers.org.uk/

Talking Podcasts and Culture with Stelios Panagiotou

The world of YouTube podcasting offers an array of different opinions and personalities, we have been very lucky to be able to talk to Stelios Panagiotou about his tenure with The Podcast Of The Lotus Eaters and gain more insight into his background and passion for communication.

We are always interested in talking to people from all fields in the media. Can you introduce yourself and give us a little background on who you are and what you do?

My name is Stelios Panagiotou, I come from Greece, and I have a passion for communicating my ideas about politics and culture. My background is mainly academic. I have a degree in Business Administration and have successfully completed a PhD in Philosophy. After teaching Philosophy in academia for about 6 years, I decided it was time to enter public discussion without  the reservations that I would otherwise have. In December 2022, I made the final decision to make a career change and started working for the Lotus Eaters media company

Most people will recognize you from either X (Twitter) or your tenure with The Podcast of The Lotus Eaters as a social and political commentator. Can you give us a little more background on how you came to be part of that world and what you do as part of the podcast?

I found out about the Lotus Eaters from a friend who was working there. When I saw a job opportunity for a presenter being advertised on the website, I decided to apply for it. Soon after, I was hired. I am one of the regular hosts for our live podcast where we discuss all sorts of current affairs from a standpoint that is not adequately represented in mainstream media.

“We discuss -sometimes in a quasi-comedic manner- political events as well as events in the broader sphere of what is loosely described as ‘culture wars’. Furthermore, I ran Symposium, a weekly philosophy series which dealt mainly with subjects pertaining to ancient, ethical, and political philosophy.”

You have become something of a social and political commentator on social media as well as the podcast scene offering your own unique insights into the world and offering up comments about the UK and the wider social scene. How do you feel social media has shaped your view of the world and how would you describe yourself on that front?

Social media is a very broad category. Generally speaking, they exert an increasingly stronger influence on us and our way of thinking about the world. Such an influence is also augmented by the delegitimization of mainstream media in the eyes of the general public. More and more people find mainstream outlets to be untrustworthy and seek alternative sources of information. The more sources of information we get exposed to, the more informed our opinions will be. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, we should remember that whatever the media, we are still talking about the circulation of information. We need to remember that whatever the media we are using, we are still vulnerable to the danger of being led into an echo chamber where confirmation bias reigns supreme. As a commentator, I try to offer a classically liberal perspective on current affairs and unmask propaganda while avoiding sensationalism. I also use social media to connect directly with people from all over the world.

Is there any advice you would offer to someone entering into the field of podcasting as a presenter or as someone setting up their own channel that you wish you had known when you started?

Good advice depends on the specifics of one’s situation. I can only offer my view about some general points that can be interpreted and tailored to each person’s case, Find your main purpose; knowing why you do something makes the difference between those who persist through hard times and those who quit. 

  1. Do your research; everyone can speak but if you know what you are saying, you increase the chances of making a positive contribution and improve the prospects for continuous engagement with your content.

  2. Diversify your sources of information. Whatever the medium, the circulation of information does tend to create echo chambers. Despite this being somewhat natural, getting drawn into an echo chamber is harmful for your audience and yourself. Assert your independence.

  3. Cultivate mental fortitude. We cannot please everyone and trying to do so is a blow to our independence of character. Be prepared for many negative comments and learn to not care about them. Care about criticism only to the extent in which you can take constructive feedback from it. Ignore all the rest. The internet has no shortage of angry people who are unwilling to give any of us the benefit of the doubt. 

  4. Practice makes perfect. Do not think that you either have it or you don't. It is a habit that one must constantly cultivate. 

  5. Finally, just do it. Do not delay. Begin as soon as possible knowing full well that if you persist, the quality of your content will keep improving. 

  6. Be patient and persistent. 

What does the future hold for you in terms of your place in the podcast world? Will you continue or step more into politics and stand for election?

I am scheduled for more appearances on our live podcast. There are also some long-term plans that I am involved in that are not for me to announce yet. I am not planning on entering politics at the moment. I am planning on doing this for a long time. I am not impatient because I know full well that the kind of relationship I want to establish with my audience is one of trust which requires time.

To learn more about Stelios Panagiotou or follow his work see:

Stelios Panagiotou X (Twitter).

Stelios Panagiotou Symposium Podcast with The Lotus Eaters.

Source: https://www.lotuseaters.com/category/sympo...

Propshak Ayrshire

Located in the heart of Ayrshire, Propshak has become the go-to location for creative talent in props, fx and combined with their community focused training academy that is opening the doors to talent from all walks of life the propshak is the place to be and the place to be seen in the Scottish industry.

Working with some of the best and brightest in the media industry, the teams work can be seen across genres from theatre to film and TV with clients ranging from the BBC and Netflix to stage production, it is no surprise that they are fast becoming a force to be reckoned with in the industry and earning a reputation for their workshops that are giving opportunities to learn and hone artistic skills in the creative fields.

The workshops are designed to be about community accessibility with a fantastic team of staff and volunteers training the next generation prop makers and fx artists in everything from masks to moulds, and so much more.

Propshak offers services to meet the needs of the smallest to the largest productions and pride themselves on the quality of their work and commitment to industry standards.

To learn more about Propshak and their work see:

Propshak Website.

Propshak Instagram.

Propshak Facebook.

Propshak YouTube.

Source: https://www.propshak.co.uk/

Introducing Alejandro Forcado Filmmaker

Having just completed his latest film project, which we will be talking about soon, we wanted to talk in detail about his work and introduce the talented Alejandro Forcada whose work has garnered international praise and accolades within the film community.

As a start to introducing your work in film and media, can you tell us more about yourself  and what you do?  

I’m a filmmaker since 20 years ago. I begun taking acting classes when I was twelve years  old, but later it got my attention the behind scene cinema business. For that reason at 18 years  old I introduced myself in Cinema school until I became a filmmaker, obviously that process  took its time, however with passion, love, commitment and hard work/ study I’m a filmmaker  as I do today. Although I’m a screen writer and most of my short films have been written by  me.

Can you tell us more about your past projects and what you are currently working on?  

In my career as an indie filmmaker I developed myself making not just short films, between  them I have made video clips, documentaries, tv shows and commercials. But If I honest, I’m  still making such productions, the small difference right now is that my big focus is totally headed in showcasing on international film festivals, with an unique objective to get in that  world and keep myself in that way to stay as a real indie professional filmmaker in cinema  matters. 

What is your biggest obstacle to creating films and what would you is your biggest  achievement as a filmmaker?  

Like everyone else who have had all kind of obstacles, in my case the biggest obstacle was  the lack of support, I mean about the goverment regarding at cultural issues or cultural  developments staff who almost never have heard us to supporting to carry on such projetc.  But beyond of it that I din’t have their help, that kind of experience helped me a lot to be  more self - sufficient and provide resources I needed from another more solid perspective  and I Can tell you about the mentioned experienced was the best thing ever happened to me,  because of that I’m the man I’m, and not just in my profession…in other senses of life as  well.

What does the future hold for you and your team in media and creative terms? What can we  expect to see from you?  

What I’m able to see so far about my “future” in media and creative or film terms, well…as a  team and my self are making a great sacrifice and effort to get what we feel on creative  business. We currently are having very good results both worldwide films festivals including  international press. Through those real evidences we’re living…we can ensure we’re in the  right way. Of course If we keep our philosophy how we manage such matters, we’ll have a  prosper future in the mentioned areas.

Is there any advice you would like to offer to people entering the field of film that you wish  you had known when you started?  

The advise…I mean I never advise anybody, but something I do is sharing my experience,  therefore the suggestion or recommendation is that anybody can give up themselves, we know is a hard path…we know takes time to get what we really wish…but never…ever give up…is  not an option…THE OPTION IS TO KEEP ON MOVING…ALWAYS…DESPITE ALL.  Another recommendation is to change the strategy of your goal/ objetive. We can’t use the  same method / strategy or plan…we need to change them according to every circunstance we  face, but there is something else: THE LOVE..THE PASSION FOR THIS PROFESSION  you never let that finish…you never let that fire goes out…before all…you keep on. That’s a  promise…doing in that way…you will get much more things you have expected.

To learn more about Alejandro and his work see:

Accion Films YouTube.

Accion Films Instagram.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/@alejandroforcada7...

Introducing The FP Arts Short Film Festival

Film Festivals are a huge part of not just getting your film seen but establishing yourself in the market and it is a real pleasure to see The FP Arts Short Film Festival (founded by Fulfilment Pictures) is bringing this option to the East Kilbride area with its festival opening the doors to networking on a local level and films from the global market together creating a monthly and annual event calendar that is going to change the landscape of film and open up the doors to creative talent across the spectrum.

With two winners each month from the jury’s choice, and a winner based on the audience feedback, this will give people from across the world a chance to have their work showcased. Designed specifically for short films (between five and eighteen minutes including credits), The FP Arts Short Film Festival is gearing up to be the social event of the creative calendar and a chance to network with likeminded people.

The festival categories are:

  • Best Short Film - (With a cash prize of £5,000 and a trophy)

  • Best Actor

  • Best Actress

  • Best Director

  • Best Cinematography

  • Best Original Score

  • Best Editing

  • Best Make-Up

  • Best Sound

  • Best Production Design

*Each category winner receives a trophy, certificate and laurel for their film.

  • Requirements:

  • Your film must have been completed after 1st of January 2023.

  • Running time including credits must be between 5 - 18 minutes.

  • If not in English, have English subtitles.

To learn more about the festival or book tickets see:

The FP Arts Short Film Festival Film Freeway.

Fulfilment Pictures Website.

Event Tickets.

Source: https://filmfreeway.com/FPArtsShortFilmFes...

An iKonic Start To 2024

As The House of iKons hits its 10 year anniversary, there is much to be celebrated with designers and creative talent from across the world joining the ranks, the talent and spectacle of the iKons show has become the standard bearer for how an independent fashion event can become a platform for music, design and creative talent that breaks boundaries.

“Amongst the many accomplishments of iKons as a show and platform it is worth noting their continued work promoting talent which has become something of a regal affair with Her Majesty Queen Sirikit of Thailand as the UK Ambassador of the Royal Thai project bringing the exquisite design and cultural heritage of Thailand to London and showing the potential of fashion to showcase her country in the most spectacular way.

Not just a showcase front of house with designers and models but backstage with a creative team behind the scenes who work hard from the makeup team to the dressers, House of iKons has become a hub of talent and a springboard to so many new and amazing talents:

Schedule of designers that showcased and exhibited on Saturday 17th February 2024, Sponsored by Girl Meets Brush & The Fashion Life Tour.

Doors open for Exhibition 11.00am


  • La Pham x Empower Women Asia

  • Silvia V Crafts

  • Love Collection

  • VIP 360

  • Her Rise Heritage

  • COSELF Represented by UKCNDEA

  • POL Magazine

  • Josh Rosales Photography

  • The Nose Family

  • B’Leo

Segment ONE 12.30pm

  • Grand Opening: Jhay Layson


  • Music Performance - Eltee

  • CLC Couture

  • Grand Finale: House of Musa Represented by Lynette Medina

Segment TWO 3.00pm

  • Grand Opening: Celebration of Thailand & House of iKons Fashion Week London

  • Sonata

  • Norma Ebanks represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Love Collection

  • Anna Flowers Designs represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Music Performance - Taylor Fangman

  • Idol Jose represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Kéarnna Rhea

  • YS Clothier represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Grand Finale: House of Laith

Segment THREE 6.00pm

  • Presentation by COSELF Represented by UKCNDEA

  • Grand Opening: La Pham

  • Blueprint Effect represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Her Rise Heritage

  • Music Performance - Eltee

  • Bold Black Dresses represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Joan Madison Couture

  • Recep Demiray

  • Grand Finale: Tykorchélli

For further information on The House of iKons see:

House of iKons Website.

House of iKons Facebook.

House of iKons Instagram.

Source: https://www.houseofikons.com/

The House of iKons 10th Anniversary Show

In what will be the 10th anniversary of The House of iKons show, the accolades just keep racking up. A leading light of the independent fashion event scene and one of The hot tickets of the fashion calendar, House of iKons is striding into 2024 with February showcasing some of the best and brightest the fashion world has to offer from across the globe.

The House of iKons has gone from strength to strength over the last decade and showcased a huge array of designers, given voice and a platform to creatives of all stripes to showcase their skills.

As they move into a new phase of the fashion journey it is impossible not to be in awe of the work of CEO and Founder Savita Kaye and her team whose hard work and boundary pushing approach to fashion and the creative arts has seen the rise of designers, makeup artists, and crew moving in circles ranging from the catwalks of the world to meeting with Royalty and dignitaries from film, TV, red carpet, politics and some of the biggest stores in the world.

With the schedule for February packed full of artisans, designers and creative talent showcasing not just their brands but their collective artistic skills, The House of iKons has become The place to be seen, The place to showcase, and ultimately a platform for talent.

Schedule for Show Saturday 17th February 2024 Sponsored by Girl Meets Brush & The Fashion Life Tour:

Doors open for Exhibition 11.00am


  • La Pham x Empower Women Asia

  • Zaira Christa

  • Silvia V Crafts

  • Love Collection

  • VIP 360

  • Her Rise Heritage

  • COSELF Represented by UKCNDEA

  • POL Magazine

    Segment ONE 12.30pm

  • Grand Opening: Jhay Layson


  • Music Performance - Eltee

  • LC Couture

  • Grand Finale: House of Musa Represented by Lynette Medina

    Segment TWO 3.00pm

  • Grand Opening: Celebration of Thailand & House of iKons Fashion Week London

  • Sonata

  • The Fashion Life Tour 

  • Love Collection

  • Anna Flowers Designs Represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Music Performance - Taylor Fangman

  • Kearnna Rhea

  • YS Clothier Represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • House of Laith

    Segment THREE 6.00pm


  • Grand Opening: La Pham

  • Blueprint Effect Represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Her Rise Heritage

  • Bold Black Dresses Represented by The Fashion Life Tour

  • Music Performance - Eltee

  • Joan Madison Couture

  • The Fashion Life Tour

  • Sharnel Guy

  • Grand Finale: Tykorchelli with live performance Sam Tinnesz

  • AFTER PARTY from 8.30pm till Late - Music, Finger Food & Drink

  • Live music performances by Damien Soul & Paisleigh B

    For further information on The House of iKons or to purchase tickets see see:

    House of iKons Tickets.

    House of iKons Website.

    House of iKons Facebook.

    House of iKons Instagram.

Source: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hoi-fashion...

Dark Forest: A Cinematic Short

Cinema started with the short film and it has been a long tradition of movie makers to take this process and work to create something fresh, a story that is strong enough to stand on its own and convey a message in a short amount of time, Nevis Studios is now stepping into that arena with their new crowdfund project: Dark Forest.

“In the gripping thriller "Dark Forest," Detectives Danny and Fiona pursue a serial killer terrorizing the Scottish highlands. The tension escalates as they close in on the elusive criminal and search for missing victim Anna Frey.”

With a creative vision that will open up doors to creativity as well as jobs, the team behind this crowd funder for Dark Forest, are looking at an expansive and long reaching movement of cinema.

Crowd funding is a common practice now and gives people the opportunity to be a part of the creation of cinema and the team behind Dark Forest are open to the challenges that this creates and see it as an investment in not just a film but in the process.

To learn more about the company or the project see:

Nevis Studios Website.

Nevis Studios Facebook.

Nevis Studios Instagram.

Dark Forest Campaign.

Source: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dark-fo...

A New Addition To The Lost Library

A new addition to the lost library is the fantastic book by Begona F Martin titled Special Makeup Effects & Prosthetics - An essential guide, a truly fascinating and well structured look at the potential of special FX and prosthetics aimed at the cosplay market, it offers up a wealth of information, resources and tips that will be beneficial to a wide range of creatives from makeup artists working in media to cosplayers looking to up their game.

With her extensive background in the arts as well as FX, Begona’s (BB to her friends) book is to me, a must read for those looking to expand their knowledge and test the waters of flat moulds and silicone, with step by step images and detailed explanations of each process with cost-efficient recommendations that will help those on a budget looking to get more creative in their work taking you through materials and techniques in a way that is easy to follow and insightful.

From the images to the text, it is all created by Begona over two years showcasing absolute passion for not just the special FX industry but sharing the skills that she has gained over the course of her career.

To learn more about the book or to purchase from her range of ready made FX or just to follow her work see:

Begona F Martin Website and Store.

BBFX Etsy Store.

Begona Martin Instagram.

Cosplay Instagram.

Source: https://www.begonafmartin.com/product-page...

Film Thoughts with Peter Tilley Producer and Actor

Peter Tilley, actor and producer took time to talk to us about his latest co-project: The Foreboding: Fractured, and share his insights from not just this project but what the future holds for him as a creative.

You have been working on promotion for your most recent project The Foreboding:  Fractured, where you are part of the cast. Can you tell us more about the project and  your involvement?  

Back in the summer of this year I messaged my good friend Alexander Staunton-Hill, who is  an incredibly talented writer and actor. I said how I wanted to put my own spin on a teen  horror story and make a film specifically for the Horror-On-Sea Film Festival in January  2024. Not long later, he returned with a fantastic script that completely elevated the idea of  that take on a group of teens coming face to face with a deadly enemy in the woods. We  soon took this into production, undertaking the casting process and filming just a matter of  weeks later. I took on the credit of producer for this film, along with playing one of the titular  roles as Aaron. Balancing both learning lines and taking on all of the producer  responsibilities was certainly a challenge, but this allowed me to gain great experience within  the film industry and help to create something fresh and exciting.  

The film follows a group of university students who have just finished their first year of Uni  and decide to go on a little camping trip into the woods to celebrate, however this trip won’t  be so plain sailing as they soon encounter a deadly presence lurking within the forest.  However there’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye, for this isn’t your stereotypical  teen horror flick. What fates lie ahead for Aaron, Connor, Abigail and Lauren?  

As an actor what challenges did you face involving yourself in The Foreboding:  Fractured and how did you overcome them?  

There was quite a few issues that came up on set, some of which were completely out of our  control. For example, we were shooting for long hours going into the night and was hit by a  thunderstorm with torrential rain, temperatures hitting low figures in the early hours of the  morning not having very warm layers of clothing on. Filming these scenes out in the open on  a farm in the middle of Sussex with this bad weather certainly proved tricky, but we got  through those obstacles as a team still gaining good results. 

Which side of the camera do you prefer working and why?  

I’ve been fortunate to have experienced both now, however I am primarily an actor and  mostly enjoy working infront of the camera, portraying different characters and bringing  these scenes to life. Saying that, I worked as a producer on this film which was enjoyable  and would certainly dip my toes into that role again in the future, so it is fun to work on both  sides of the camera. It’s mesmerising to see how a production all comes together from either  side. I would never rule anything out! 

What have you got planned next as a creative that you can share and how can people  find out more about you and your work?  

We’ve got BIG plans for The Foreboding, so I will mainly be putting all my attention on that  going forward. I’ve got some other projects lined up for the year ahead but am just waiting  on getting schedules for those films, which I’m very much looking forward to shooting. You can find me on multiple social media platforms, on Twitter (or X now as it’s called!) at  PeterTilley20 and on Instagram with the handle @Tilley.Peter. You can follow the official page  for The Foreboding @theforebodingofficial and tickets are now available to purchase for the  film via horror-on-sea.com with it’s world premiere screening at the Horror-On-Sea Film  Festival on Saturday 20th January 2024!

To learn more about the film see:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.

Source: https://www.instagram.com/tilley.peter/

Discussing Film with Kemal Yildirim

Expanding on our previous blogs with the team behind The Foreboding: Fractured, we talk to director, editor and DOP Kemal Yildirim about the films making.

You were a leading voice behind The Foreboding: Fractured as the director. Can you tell us a little more about the thought process behind the creation of this project?

When Alexander sent me the script I was immediately taken with the characters he created and how he captured that feeling of what comes next on our journeys into adulthood. I have always been a fan of horror and in particular ghost story and folklore genres. As Director and Cinematographer I wanted to create a sense of unease, that these characters who are on the cusp of adulthood are in danger. I also wanted to create a sense that the infamous woodland they enter has a life of its own and plays on their fears. I used the tropes from the folklore and supernatural genre to do this.

What challenges have you faced in the making of the project and how did you overcome them?

As with all films there will always be challenges. Our biggest challenge was how remote the location was and that it had no power outlets. So we had to rely on a generator to help aid our shoot. Our first generator blew up so that meant one of our night shoots was affected. The good old British weather was some of the worst I have seen with torrential rain and winds, but none of this stopped us. The thing I love about indie filmmaking is the tenacity and team spirit to get through stressful situations for the sake of the production, a singular goal of getting the film over the line and to see the vision through.

Now that the project is complete and you have started the PR and marketing what is next for you as a creative that you can share?

There are always more projects in the pipeline, I am lucky as I have a good career as a cinematographer as well so I am working with some really exciting filmmakers from the indie scene. I am also developing some really interesting scripts ready to launch into production when the timing is right.

Is there any advice you can offer to people starting out or creating their own film?

My advice is simple, the times we are in right now is a great time to be a filmmaker. Tech is more affordable and with so much talent behind and in front of the camera there really isn’t an excuse not to make your film. The script is key, have a solid script and build a team of like minded creatives to help bring that vision to life.

To learn more about the film see:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.

Introducing Screaming Unicorn Productions

In the current content hungry world we find ourselves talking to Screaming Unicorn Productions, based in Glasgow, and making films for the world, they have already garnered numerous festival accolades for their short horror films and quest to bring cinematic projects to a worldwide audience.

A close knit group, they welcome new faces and talents who join the team whose passion for films shines out in their grindhouse style of horror filmmaking and gives them something of a unique look that works well and keeps the content flowing as well as creating opportunities such as their latest project (crowdfunding is underway) Skelf a Christmas Horror, which judging by previous projects will be a critical success and garner the team more accolades to add to the growing list.

Open to the potential of collaboration, the Screaming Unicorn productions ethos is about community and learning with each project opening up the chance to expand on skills or add to your repertoire by being part of something new, a really clever way of building not just a network but making film accessible and something The Lost Creatives approves of.

From a purely artistic stance, horror offers the most potential for creativity and fun in film, making this a concept that works and opens up (creaking) doors to festival accolades and commercial sales with the digital download market.

To learn more about the company or to support their new project via their crowdfunding campaign see:

Skelf: A Christmas Horror Short Fundraiser.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Website.

Screaming Unicorn Productions YouTube.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Instagram.

Screaming Unicorn Productions Facebook.

Source: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/screa...

The Foreboding: Fractured

We are always impressed when people take risks and put together projects big or small to showcase their talents, The Foreboding: Fractured is just such a project and with the cast and crew currently doing the media rounds we will be talking in more detail with them soon but could not resist taking the opportunity to start that rolling with a featurette of our own on the film and a little preview set of images from the award winning film.

“Entering the woods for a simple camping trip, four university students find themselves hunted for reasons unknown. With their fates being intertwined in this place, how can they ever escape? Perspective is everything.”

With interviews already in motion, we were lucky to be able to get some of the images from the film and to be able to talk to Peter Tilley about his involvement and will be expanding on this soon in the meantime we suggest you check out their other interviews and IMDB to learn more about the film and to see the team talking about the project:

IMDB The Foreboding: Fractured.

Horror Scream Video Vault Interview.

Blazing Minds Interview.

Podcast Interview.

Frustrations Within Casting

casting woes

Being an actor or working in the creative arts has always been something of a passion led career path with many feeling they cannot get a foot in the door thanks in part to the ability to gain parts, an agent, or that elusive and somewhat necessary profile with the #1 casting directory. This has come to a head now and people are feeling pushed out with the system being called elitist, we at the lost creatives wanted to share some insights and options that are gaining ground and opening doors to people with a few added options that even at the lowest budgets, can make the dream become a reality with strategic work and a little planning.

As regular readers will know, we advocate for indie film and the creative talent behind it from the cast to the crew with our own allegiances being openly stated.

We are happy to endorse creative and commercial avenues of filmmaking with companies such as New Village Video and HOD TV being two of our favoured routes,

*It is worth noting that HOD TV has parameters that you need to match to get through their vetting process, we have this in a document and will share with those who require it through email.

In casting terms, it is not quite as simple, there are certain sites and companies that have all but cornered the market and are seen as the gold standard, this however, has been changing slowly and we want to talk about 2 of those options and are open to hearing from new services that may appear or alternative options at any time.

vShowcards: a game changing paid for service with a dedicated team who not only help and support their members with advice, but a multi-faceted company that takes on actors and crew giving them a manageable route to showcase themselves and promote their skills to multiple audiences and welcome new and established talent because the site was built by actors, there is more understanding of the challenges out there.

Casting Callback: a free at point of use service for the UK, I personally checked out the layout and actors pages to see how it works and I am impressed, the company ethos is simple, they want to the creative arts to be open to all backgrounds making it one of the best of the free services for its open platform and honest approach to the industry.

With just these 2 options under your belt, it offers up scope in particular to new entrants, and with the media market slowly getting back on its feet with global financial concerns, it shows that no matter what your background, no matter your financial status as an actor or filmmaker, there is a means to promote and market yourself and fortunately, in this content hungry age, platforms available to sell your work.

Lost Creatives will be using these platforms both for casting and for promotion over the next year and focusing on opportunities outside the mainstream with digital TV and film being our goal and of course, supporting creatives across the spectrum with the blog being open to those who need support to promote their projects.

We will be talking in our next blog about commercial avenues for short films and touching on team building for projects with small budget.

Indie Film Thoughts

There is a lot of concern at the moment with the BBC daytime drama Doctors being cancelled, it was a mainstream way for people to gain a foothold in the industry and seen as a staple of daytime TV for many. People are naturally, wondering what this means for those entering the media market from the cast side to crew.

Changes to the market are always difficult to navigate and people are now looking for alternative avenues within the mainstream but overlooking the potential of commercializing ideas in the indie sector and utilizing avenues that are already in place such as HOD TV and the fantastic New Village Video whose platform is focused on the indies and the classic old school “straight to video” movies or the more familiar “streaming service original.”

Talks are underway for collective motion to pull new and emerging talent into pools and building something fresh. What this means is the indie scene has an opportunity to build a new network, a new platform and create.

With this in mind The Lost Creatives is willing to support and to start we want to share the books and sites we feel will be a major benefit to this:

Distribution and sales avenues.

HOD TV submissions a specialist in horror and thriller, the terms are fair and commercialization is possible, a full breakdown of the requirements is available, just drop us an email and we can share the details.

New Village Video, a friendly, open minded team who accept all genres of film and advocate for the indie scene while supporting and selling projects with success.


Don’t F*ck Up Your No Budget Movie by Ivan Peric, a fantastic and personal insight into creating a feature film with a low budget, Ivan talks about the perils and offers up his own tried and tested path to creating a film and getting it sold by planning strategically. A real must read and a part of the lost library of books.

Opening Doors For Working Class Actors by Patricia Jones, a wonderful and open insight into the world of an actor giving you a clear and honest way to start out as an actor. Patricia Jones is a wonderful lady who talks honestly about her journey and gives pointers to those who would otherwise feel they cannot make the leap into the arts.

Cast and Crew

vShowcards, an alternative to the main networking and actors/crew sites, vshowcards is actor run and supported by various casting agents, production houses across the world, and offers a cohesive platform for you to market yourself to the media landscape.

Over the next few weeks we will be exploring avenues of marketing and other elements of the creative industry with a view to showcasing the potential for the indie scene.

Talking Theatre With HeadlessActing

Theatre is a major part of the cultural scene and we are happy to talk to one of the people aiming to put Scottish talent on the map with a series of shows aimed at the stage and building on their own experiences in the field, from sourcing funding to casting, HeadlessActing is pushing the envelope of the creative arts.

Why don’t you start by introducing yourself and telling the lost audience what you do in the creative arts? 

My name is Brandon Ferguson and I’m an Actor and writer.  Recently, I created the production company ‘Headless Acting’ as a way to produce and perform some of my own  pieces of writing. Currently, HeadlessActing is working on two plays with a third being in early development.

You have been talking on social media about your recent Fringe show and plans to do more stage work from a Scottish perspective, can you tell us more about that? 

Yes, I have just finished my first ever run at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, I was playing ‘Peter’ in “Alba” which was written by Jack Byrne and Jordan Howat of ‘Action Theatre Scotland’. I had a wonderful time working on that. I’d never smiled more in my entire life, on the stage and off.

Once the Edinburgh Fringe was over I was just so eager to jump into something else, I decided it was time to create my own work. The Theatre industry in Scotland is dying a slow and painful death, whether that’s to do with ticket prices or even just that theatre is seen as “posh.” I wanted to fix that. I wanted to bring in a brand new audience, reach people who may never have stepped inside a theatre before. 

I had written a play about an event in Scottish history, but this play was a huge task. I would need a big team and a lot of funding. So,  I chose to start with something else, something smaller. So I wrote “*Smoke Not Included” which is a Stoner Comedy on the Stage. This play is one act, one location and four characters. What better way to bring in a new audience than putting on a stoner comedy haha.

Something we have noticed is you are very theatre focused with stage being a major part of your social media showcase, can you tell us what made this your focus as a creative? 

I’ve always been interested in theatre.  I never got to see much of it prior to being in high school, but I was always so entranced by the theatre. The sets and costumes, the actors! It’s magic! Buy a ticket, grab a drink and sit and enjoy the show. You might see a perfectly executed performance, you might see actors breaking character and causing everyone to laugh, you might even happen to see a story that touches you in a way a TV show or Movie never could. I like to say that theatre is just a live action book. When someone reads a book they can imagine what is happening and what the world may look like. Well, on the stage it is the exact same! The audience has a suspension of disbelief, you don’t need backdrops and a full room of sets. You just need the actors and a few important pieces of set or prop and the imagination of the audience does the rest. It’s great! 

“There’s also what I said before about the theatre industry in Scotland dying. I don’t think I could just stand back and watch that happen. I had to create. I had to try and show people that theatre isn’t scary, it isn’t too posh for you and it shouldn’t be too expensive.”

You recently talked about a crowdfunding campaign for your projects. Can you tell us more about the project and what is being planned?  Will you focus solely on theatre or expand into other areas of work? 

We are raising money for our first production, “*Smoke Not Included” , on Kickstarter, we still have a few hundred pounds left to raise. I couldn’t even describe this play to you if I tried, it’s quite silly, lighting and sound is used in a way to emphasise humour, there’s a lot of fun moments but at its heart, there’s a nugget of sadness. Neil, Jacko, Lauren and Aaron are our characters. They all have quite interesting relationships with each other. I won’t say too much haha. We’re currently casting for Aaron and Neil, submissions are open until 20th October. We are planning on going to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival next year as well as having a few performances in Fife. We also intend on filming the production and posting that on YouTube sometime after we finish doing the show. This is a way to combat theatre shows being short lived. We’re kind of immortalising it on YouTube haha. 

I do believe that HeadlessActing will remain working in theatre, but that’s not to say there isn’t a short film or two in the works.

What does the future hold for you and your team in media and creative terms?  What can we expect to see from you?

Currently HeadlessActing has a 4-Year plan. We aim to cast, rehearse and perform a show every year for the next four. We want to work with as many Scottish creatives that we can! I can’t say too much right now but we are working with a Scottish Artist and a Scottish Musician on one of our projects right now. We are also aiming to cover a wide range of genres. Starting with Comedy, then Horror, then History, Then Noir. If you’re following our Instagram (headless_acting) and our Twitter (@HeadlessActing) you’ll see we post updates all the time! Right now we are casting for *Smoke Not Included. We’ve received a lot of submissions and the self tapes are coming in now. We’re very excited for what the future holds.

To learn more about HeadlessActing or to support their work see:

*Smoke Not Included Crowdfunding Campaign.

HeadlessActing Instagram.

HeadlessActing Twitter.

Source: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/19046...

Tea and Business With Nepal Film Productions

Something I and the rest of the team at Lost Creatives are incredibly proud of is our ties to Nepal Film Productions as a consultant, our founder and creative director JamesC works closely with the team to discuss a wide range of subjects and catch up on the latest business news from our partners in Nepal.

Our most recent discussions were done as always virtually, with JamesC taking coffee at his favourite spot and working with the team at Nepal Film Productions on some smaller concept project details with a little personal news into the bargain.

Leaders in various fields, it is always a pleasure to hear about the clientele and projects that they are involved in and offer up new options such as introductions to our own contacts such as Sons of Adonis, and New Village Video, giving the makeup artists and fellow filmmakers of Nepal access to new resources and avenues in both makeup and of course, distribution for indie film.

Nepal Film Productions are currently working a slate of exciting projects with new and regular clients ranging from the premium end of the market (Netflix and Warner Bros to name but two), as well as indie film and collaborating with film festivals to showcase new talent.

Very soon we will be working on a series of blogs with Nepal Film Production on a wide range of subjects that affect the industry and offering a deeper insight into a country that is the jewel in the crown of South Asia, a beautiful country with a fascinating history, the endless potential of Nepal is something we are always happy to showcase and in conjunction with our partners at Nepal Film Production, look at things from a different perspective than the standard vision of the country.

To learn more about the company and Nepal or what they can offer to film and TV see:

Nepal Film Production Website.

Source: https://nepalfilmproduction.com/

Showcasing Creative Talent with The House of iKons

Considered by many to be in the top of the social calendar for fashion week, The House of iKons is returning this September with their stable of designers and creatives for what is set to be a high light of the fashion calendar and a chance to be seen (as a designer) and showcase (as a creative) with the backstage being as much of the prestige, as the front of house.

With some of the worlds top designers attending and showcasing at The House of iKons show, it is no surprise that the backstage team are as big a part of this as the front of house, taking fashion events into a new realm and offering a platform that is fast becoming the benchmark for excellence with good reason.

“Schedule for Show Saturday 16th September 2023 the show is sponsored by Girl Meets Brush & The Fashion Life Tour.”

Segment One Show: 12.00pm

  • Grand Opening: Jhay Layson 

  • CLC Couture 

  • Fantasma 

  • Grand Finale: Love Collection 

Segment Two Show: 3.00pm

Segment Three Show: 6.00pm

For further information on The House of iKons, how to get involved, or to purchase tickets see:

House of iKons.

Tickets for The iKons Show.

Source: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hoi-fashion...

New Village Video

As we are all aware there are major changes in motion in the mainstream market of film and TV, which is leading to the question “can the indies step in and entertain us?”  Happily the answer is yes, and sites like New Village Video are stepping up to the plate with gusto and bringing old school values and entertainment back to the market.

Focused on the best and brightest of the indie, art, and grindhouse movie scene, New Village Video is about the charms of a video store combined with the best of the digital age. 

Indie film is the heart of much of their work and their films have that “straight to video” feel that is somewhere between nostalgic and innovative, offering you the chance to support new and emerging talents, filmmakers and artists in a way that is entertainingly quirky.

What this means is there Is an option for us out there who have lower budget visuals and tongue in cheek chic films that are about pure entertainment, getting films out there and opening the door to genre based films that focus on the popcorn chucking entertainment, and scares that a good movie should.  From a filmmaking perspective New Village Video is the modern version of the VHS for hire route that gave us cult/underground movies that went from backyard films to schoolyard legend without the need for a PR team.  

Giving power to the indies is just a small part of what this offers, New Village Video is set to become the digital film archive for those who just want to entertain.  Worthy of checking out on all fronts: from consumer to artiste, the potential to showcase your work, make money on your investment, and have your film seen is enough to tip the scales in their favour and as someone who appreciates movies, and has a set of goals that include schlock horror, this will be top of the list for me to showcase my own films and with their commission rates in the favour of the filmmaker, it is without question a good time to be an indie filmmaker in a fluctuating market. 

To learn more about New Village Video or to discuss submissions see:

New Village Video.

Submissions at New Village Video.

Source: https://newvillagevideo.com/